Friday, December 5, 2014

Is Your Engagement Off?

Not your marriage, hopefully! No, I'm talking about something even more drastic — social media engagement.

Are your Facebook posts collecting dust? Your tweets vaporizing into a black hole? Besides spending a small fortune for sponsored posts (which only guarantees more impressions, not necessarily engagement) your other major strategy should be to ensure your communication is fun and imaginative.

Creativity sparks creativity — by inspiring your followers to share, you're now reaching their friends. When they're inspired, they'll share with their friends, and so on. Behold, the amazing power of social media!

I saw an example this morning from Peter Shankman, an acclaimed speaker and social media celebrity in his own right. He simply asked on his own page, "Describe your week using only Facebook stickers. No words. Go."

In two hours, he had nearly 400 responses.

Facebook post from Peter Shankman: describe your week using only Facebook stickers.

A simple request, yet so engaging — people who maybe otherwise wouldn't normally respond saw the opportunity to reply in a very fun and creative way. 

Now, you can't ask people to reply with cute stickers all the time, but use this as inspiration when generating your own content. "What can I do differently that will make my brand stand out? What can I say that will make my audience absolutely have to respond?"

Can't wait to see what you come up with! I look forward to reading it — and engaging with it — on my wall.


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